03. Testimonials

“The MonolixSuite is a cornerstone of our toolkit. Three key criteria make it indispensable for us: Reliability of integrated tools in complex modeling on tight schedules; Industry-level quality and adherence to rigorous industry standards; Swift and comprehensive customer support for technical and scientific queries.”

Matthias Machacek, Managing Director, LYO-X

“The MonolixSuite is an absolute game changer for pharmacometrics work. The ability to seamlessly move from population PK modeling in Monolix, to simulation in Simulx, and then exposure calculation in PKanalix expedites my workflow. Automatic plotting in all modules with the ability to format further cuts down on extra coding and QC time. Transferring code and profiles from module to module decreases QC time. Overall, the MonolixSuite makes my work more efficient and allows me to get results to clients faster.”

Jessica K. Roberts, Senior Director Pharmacometrics, Allucent
MonolixSuite™ Modules

Easy, fast and powerful tool for parameter estimation in non-linear mixed effect models, model diagnosis and assessment, and advanced graphical representation.

PKanalix® is a user-friendly and fast application for compartmental analysis (CA), non-compartmental analysis (NCA) and bioequivalence studies (BE)

Simulx® is an easy, efficient and flexible application for clinical trial simulations

Upcoming Events
06. MonolixSuite™ Resources
Video Tutorial Series