Visualization and Communication of Pharmacometric Models With Berkeley Madonna

Authors: Krause A, Lowe PJ
Publication: CPT Pharmacometrics Syst Pharmacol


Population or other pharmacometric models are a useful means to describe, succinctly, the relationships between drug administration, exposure (concentration), and downstream changes in pharmacodynamic (PD) biomarkers and clinical endpoints, including the mixed effects of patient factors and random interpatient variation (fixed and random effects). However, showing a set of covariate equations to a drug development team is perhaps not the best way to get a message across. Visualization of the consequences of the knowledge encapsulated within the model is the key component. Yet in many instances, it can take hours, perhaps days, to collect ideas from teams, write scripts, and run simulations before presenting the results—by which time they have moved on. How much better, then, to seize the moment and work interactively to decide on a course of action, guided by the model. We exemplify here the visualization of pharmacometric models using the Berkeley Madonna software with a particular focus on interactive sessions. The examples are provided as Supplementary Material.

By Andreas Krause and P J Lowe