Integrating In Vitro Testing and Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) Modelling for Chemical Liver Toxicity Assessment – a Case Study of Troglitazone

Integrating In Vitro Testing and Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) Modelling for Chemical Liver Toxicity Assessment – a Case Study of Troglitazone

Publication: Environ Toxicol Pharmacol
Software: GastroPlus®

In vitro to in vivo extrapolation (IVIVE) for next-generation risk assessment (NGRA) of chemicals requires computational modeling and faces unique challenges.

Synergy Between Two Mechanisms of Action Contributes to Species Differences in the Liver Safety Profile for PF-04895162

Synergy Between Two Mechanisms of Action Contributes to Species Differences in the Liver Safety Profile for PF-04895162

Conference: AAPS
Software: DILIsym®

The Purpose is to better understand the mechanisms underlying the apparent species differences, between rat and human, when evaluating the liver safety of compound PF-04895162.

Development of a Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) Model for Intra-articular Delivery

Development of a Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) Model for Intra-articular Delivery

Conference: AAPS
Software: GastroPlus®
Division: PBPK

Understanding local concentrations in intra-articular tissues and fluids such as cartilage, synovial membrane, and synovial fluid are a valuable tool to predict potential...

The Effect of the Local Tissue Response on the Pharmacokinetics of Long-Acting Injectable Formulations

The Effect of the Local Tissue Response on the Pharmacokinetics of Long-Acting Injectable Formulations

Conference: AAPS
Software: GastroPlus®
Division: PBPK

Modeling consequences of localized chronic inflammation in tissue on drug diffusion and exposure caused by prolonged therapy with long-acting formulations.

Different Perspectives – Informing Drug Development Decision Making Through Complementary M&S Approaches

Different Perspectives – Informing Drug Development Decision Making Through Complementary M&S Approaches

Authors: Patel Y
Conference: AAPS

Although fundamental principles are different between PBPK and population PK approaches, both techniques have been used to study drug disposition during drug development.

Pharmacokinetic basis for dosing high-dose methotrexate in infants and young children with malignant brain tumours

Pharmacokinetic basis for dosing high-dose methotrexate in infants and young children with malignant brain tumours

Publication: Br J Clin Pharmacol

No population pharmacokinetic studies of high‐dose methotrexate (HDMTX) have been conducted in infants with brain tumours, which are a vulnerable population.

Prediction of pKa Using Machine Learning Methods with Rooted Topological Torsion Fingerprints: Application to Aliphatic Amines

Prediction of pKa Using Machine Learning Methods with Rooted Topological Torsion Fingerprints: Application to Aliphatic Amines

Publication: J Chem Inf Model
Software: ADMET Predictor®

The acid–base dissociation constant, pKa, is a key parameter to define the ionization state of a compound and directly affects its biopharmaceutical profile.