Population Pharmacokinetic Evaluation and Missed-Dose Simulations for Eslicarbazepine Acetate Monotherapy in Patients with Partial-Onset Seizures

Population Pharmacokinetic Evaluation and Missed-Dose Simulations for Eslicarbazepine Acetate Monotherapy in Patients with Partial-Onset Seizures

Authors: Phillips L
Conference: SLP MIDD+

Luann Phillips, Distinguished Scientist of Pharmacometrics, discusses the issues, repercussions, and methods in her presentation titled, "Population Pharmacokinetic Evaluation and ​
Missed-Dose Simulations for Eslicarbazepine Acetate Monotherapy in Patients With Partial-Onset Seizures"

Prediction of Plasma Concentrations Using In Silico Modeling and Simulation Approach: Case of Acebutolol

Prediction of Plasma Concentrations Using In Silico Modeling and Simulation Approach: Case of Acebutolol

Authors: Bokri E, Felfel H, Bahri S
Publication: Ann Pharm Fr
Software: GastroPlus®
Division: PBPK

The aim of this study was to predict the plasma concentrations of acebutolol tablets with different dissolution profiles using computer modelling and evaluating whether they are bioequivalent using simulated population studies.

Predicting optimal scheduling of drug combinations in lung cancer xenografts using a population PK/PD model

Predicting optimal scheduling of drug combinations in lung cancer xenografts using a population PK/PD model

Authors: Traynard P
Conference: SLP MIDD+
Software: Monolix®, Simulx®

Bevacizumab-pemetrexed/cisplatin is a first-line therapeutic for advanced nonsquamous non-small cell lung cancer.

Assessment of the Mechanism for Remdesivir-Associated Clinical ALT Elevations Using DILIsym Quantitative Systems Toxicology Modeling

Assessment of the Mechanism for Remdesivir-Associated Clinical ALT Elevations Using DILIsym Quantitative Systems Toxicology Modeling

Authors: Yang K
Conference: SLP MIDD+
Software: DILIsym®

Remdesivir, a monophosphoramidate prodrug of a nucleoside analog, has been granted Emergency Use Authorization in the U.S. for the treatment of...