In vitro and in vivo correlation for lipid-based formulations: Current status and future perspectives

In vitro and in vivo correlation for lipid-based formulations: Current status and future perspectives

Authors: Huang Y, Yu Q, Chen Z, Wu W, Zhu Q, Lu Y
Publication: Acta Pharm Sin B
Software: GastroPlus®
Division: PBPK

Lipid-based formulations (LBFs) have demonstrated a great potential in enhancing the oral absorption of poorly water-soluble drugs.

A comprehensive review of integrative pharmacology-based investigation: A paradigm shift in traditional Chinese medicine

A comprehensive review of integrative pharmacology-based investigation: A paradigm shift in traditional Chinese medicine

Publication: Acta Pharm Sin B
Software: GastroPlus®
Division: PBPK

Over the past decade, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has widely embraced systems biology and its various data integration approaches to promote its modernization.

A Survey of the Regulatory Requirements for the Waiver of In Vivo Bioequivalence Studies of Generic Products in Certain Dosage Forms by Participating Regulators and Organisations of the International Pharmaceutical Regulators Programme

A Survey of the Regulatory Requirements for the Waiver of In Vivo Bioequivalence Studies of Generic Products in Certain Dosage Forms by Participating Regulators and Organisations of the International Pharmaceutical Regulators Programme

Publication: J Pharm Pharm Sci
Division: PBPK

The requirements to waive in vivo bioequivalence studies for immediate release solid oral dosage forms based on the Biopharmaceutics Classifications System (BCS) are well known, and biowaivers[1] for other types of oral dosage forms based on pre-defined criteria may also be acceptable.

Physiologically Based Biopharmaceutics Modeling of Regional and Colon Absorption in Dogs

Physiologically Based Biopharmaceutics Modeling of Regional and Colon Absorption in Dogs

Publication: Mol Pharm
Software: GastroPlus®
Division: PBPK

Colon absorption is a key determinant for the successful development of modified-release (MR) formulations, and the risk that colon absorption may limit the in vivo performance...

An IPRP survey of the regulatory requirements for the waiver of in vivo bioequivalence studies of generic medicinal products in certain dosage forms

An IPRP survey of the regulatory requirements for the waiver of in vivo bioequivalence studies of generic medicinal products in certain dosage forms

Publication: J Pharm Pharm Sci

The requirements to waive in vivo bioequivalence studies for immediate release solid oraldosage forms based on the Biopharmaceutics Classifications System (BCS) are well known, and biowaiversafor other types of oral dosage forms based on pre-defined criteria may also be acceptable.

Neutralization of European, South African, and United States SARS-CoV-2 mutants by a human antibody and antibody domains

Neutralization of European, South African, and United States SARS-CoV-2 mutants by a human antibody and antibody domains

Publication: bioRxiv

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) transmission with several emerging variants remain uncontrolled in many countries, indicating the pandemic remains severe.

Leveraging Oral Drug Development to a Next Level: Impact of the IMI-Funded OrBiTo Project on Patient Healthcare

Leveraging Oral Drug Development to a Next Level: Impact of the IMI-Funded OrBiTo Project on Patient Healthcare

Publication: Front Med (Lausanne)
Software: GastroPlus®
Division: PBPK

A thorough understanding of the behavior of drug formulations in the human gastrointestinal (GI) tract is essential when working in the field of oral drug development in a pharmaceutical company.

Introduction to Phase III track with Beth Ludwig

Introduction to Phase III track with Beth Ludwig

Authors: Ludwig EA
Conference: SLP MIDD+

Beth Ludwig, Associate Vice President, Quantitative Clinical Pharmacology, gives a brief introduction to the application of Modeling & Simulation in Phase 3 - questions to be addressed, speakers, and presentations.​

Introduction to Phase II Track with Joel Owen

Introduction to Phase II Track with Joel Owen

Authors: Owen JS
Conference: SLP MIDD+

Joel Owen, Vice President of Pharmacometric Services, gives a brief introduction to the application of Modeling & Simulation in Phase 2 - questions to be addressed, speakers, and presentations.​

Introduction to Post-Approval/Generics track with Ryan Franke

Introduction to Post-Approval/Generics track with Ryan Franke

Authors: Franke RM
Conference: SLP MIDD+

Ryan Franke, Director, Quantitative Clinical Pharmacology, gives a brief introduction to the application of Modeling & Simulation in the Post Approval/Generics phase - the value of modeling & simulation, speakers, and presentations.