Computational Analysis and Experimental Testing of the Molecular Mode of Action of Gatastatin and Its Derivatives

Computational Analysis and Experimental Testing of the Molecular Mode of Action of Gatastatin and Its Derivatives

Publication: Cancer
Software: ADMET Predictor®

Given its critical role in cell mitosis, the tubulin chain represents a viable chemotherapeutic target to solve the specificity issues associated with targeting...

Evaluation and prediction of oral drug absorption and bioequivalence with food-druginteraction

Evaluation and prediction of oral drug absorption and bioequivalence with food-druginteraction

Authors: Tsume Y
Publication: Drug Metab Pharmacokinet
Software: GastroPlus®

This article reviews the impacts on the in vivo prediction of oral bioavailability (BA) and bioequivalence (BE) based on Biopharmaceutical classification systems (BCS)...

Predictive Potential of BCS and Pharmacokinetic Parameters on Study Outcome: Analysis of 198 In Vivo Bioequivalence Studies

Predictive Potential of BCS and Pharmacokinetic Parameters on Study Outcome: Analysis of 198 In Vivo Bioequivalence Studies

Publication: Eur J Drug Metab Pharmacokinet
Software: GastroPlus®

Understanding predictive potential of parameters to perform early bioequivalence (BE) risk assessment is crucial for good planning and risk mitigation during product...