Benchmarking And Risk Adjustment Of Patient Outcomes Across Anesthesia Provider Teams

Benchmarking And Risk Adjustment Of Patient Outcomes Across Anesthesia Provider Teams

Conference: IARS

In our current health care climate, it is becoming more common to compare patient outcome benchmarks across institutions and across providers within an institution. The JCAHO is mandating hospitals to…

Contributing Factors To Serious Adverse Outcomes

Contributing Factors To Serious Adverse Outcomes

Conference: IARS

JCAHO is an accrediting body for hospitals in the United States. As part of the accreditation process, the JCAHO is initiating a new program called ORYX. The goal of the program is to integrate routinely…

An automated drug concentration screening and quality assurance program for clinical trials

An automated drug concentration screening and quality assurance program for clinical trials

Publication: Drug Inf J

The collection and analysis of drug concentration data collected during clinical trials is growing in popularity as a mechanism for explaining variability in patient outcomes.

Efficacy Of Bupropion Sr On Reducing Craving In Smoking Cessation

Efficacy Of Bupropion Sr On Reducing Craving In Smoking Cessation

Conference: CINP Congress

Bupropion HCl sustained release (Bup SR, ZybanTM) is the first non-nicotine treatment proven to be safe and effective for smoking cessation. Clinical studies have demonstrated that when used in…

Zalcitabine population pharmacokinetics: application of radioimmunoassay

Zalcitabine population pharmacokinetics: application of radioimmunoassay

Publication: Antimicrob Agents Chemother

Zalcitabine population pharmacokinetics were evaluated in 44 human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients (39 males and 5 females) in our immunodeficiency clinic.

Dose proportionality of cisatracurium

Dose proportionality of cisatracurium

Publication: Pharm Res

The dose proportionality of cisatracurium pharmacokinetics was assessed using a population approach by incorporating the collection of sparse...

Implementation of concentration dependent “first-pass” models using NONMEM

Implementation of concentration dependent “first-pass” models using NONMEM

Authors: Phillips L, Cox SR
Conference: AAPS

The development of drugs extensively metabolized by the P450 enzyme system may require the need to model concentration dependent 'first-pass' effects. This simulation study, performed using NONMEM…

Pretreatment regimens for adverse events related to infusion of amphotericin B

Pretreatment regimens for adverse events related to infusion of amphotericin B

Publication: Clin Infect Dis

Infusion-related adverse events (IRAEs) such as nausea, vomiting, fever, chills, and thrombophlebitis that are associated with amphotericin B therapy often lead clinicians to prescribe a number of adjunctive pretreatment medications...

Sepsis syndrome and associated sequelae in patients at high risk for gram negative sepsis

Sepsis syndrome and associated sequelae in patients at high risk for gram negative sepsis

Publication: Pharmacotherapy

We conducted a prospective surveillance study of 80 hospitals across the United States to determine the incidence of sepsis syndrome and its associated sequelae in hospitalized patients over age 18 years who...

Effects on recovery when isoflurane is used to supplement propofol-nitrous oxide anesthesia

Effects on recovery when isoflurane is used to supplement propofol-nitrous oxide anesthesia

Publication: Anesth Analg

During propofol-nitrous oxide (N2O) anesthesia, volatile anesthetics are frequently administered to treat signs of inadequate anesthesia and to decrease the possibility of intraoperative awareness.

Hemodynamic effects of propofol: data from over 25,000 patients

Hemodynamic effects of propofol: data from over 25,000 patients

Publication: Anesth Analg

To investigate clinically important hypotension and bradycardia after induction of anesthesia with propofol, we analyzed data from a Phase IV stepwise study involving 25,981 patients, 1722 institutions, and 1819 anesthesiologists. In Step 1, propofol was used for...