Prediction of modified release pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics from in vitro, immediate release, and intravenous data

Prediction of modified release pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics from in vitro, immediate release, and intravenous data

Publication: AAPS J
Software: GastroPlus®
Division: PBPK

The aim of this study was to demonstrate the value of mechanistic simulations in gaining insight into the behaviors of modified release (MR) formulations in vivo and...

Simulations of the nonlinear dose dependence for substrates of influx and efflux transporters in the human intestine

Simulations of the nonlinear dose dependence for substrates of influx and efflux transporters in the human intestine

Publication: AAPS J
Software: GastroPlus®
Division: PBPK

The purpose of this study was to develop simulation and modeling methods for the evaluation of pharmacokinetics when intestinal influx and efflux transporters are involved...

An investigation into the importance of “Very Rapid Dissolution” criteria for drug bioequivalence demonstration using gastrointestinal simulation technology

An investigation into the importance of “Very Rapid Dissolution” criteria for drug bioequivalence demonstration using gastrointestinal simulation technology

Publication: AAPS J
Software: GastroPlus®

The Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS) is based on the mechanistic assumptions that the rate and extent of oral drug absorption are governed by drug solubility...

Physiologically-Based Model for Fluvoxamine Disposition and Prediction of Drug-Drug Interactions

Physiologically-Based Model for Fluvoxamine Disposition and Prediction of Drug-Drug Interactions

Conference: DDI
Division: PBPK

Fluvoxamine absorption and pharmacokinetics were simulated using GastroPlus™. The program’s Advanced Compartmental and Transit model described the absorption; pharmacokinetics was simulated with a…

Prediction of drug -drug interactions for fluconazole using PBPK – a case with concentration-dependent liver:plasma partition coefficient

Prediction of drug -drug interactions for fluconazole using PBPK – a case with concentration-dependent liver:plasma partition coefficient

Conference: DDI
Division: PBPK

Fluconazole is an antifungal agent widely used in the clinical setting for the treatment of candidiasis and meningitis. It undergoes minimal metabolism and is excreted renally(1). Fluconazole is a moderate…

Timing and incidence of postoperative infections associated with blood transfusions: analysis of 1,489 orthopedic and cardiac surgery patients

Timing and incidence of postoperative infections associated with blood transfusions: analysis of 1,489 orthopedic and cardiac surgery patients

Publication: Surg Infect

Transfusion rates remain high in cardiac and orthopedic surgery and differ widely across physician practices in spite of growing knowledge that allogeneic...

Ted on Ted

Ted on Ted

I recently stumbled on a website called TED: Ideas worth spreading, and I apologize in advance for sharing this most addicting site with you.

The Education of Henry Adams

The Education of Henry Adams

I stumbled upon the remarkable autobiography of Henry Adams by accident while reading a history of the end of the 19th century. When Adams’ autobiography was published after his death in 1918, it became a best seller and won the Pulitzer Prize. Adams is remarkable for his ability to speak to us more than 90 years later with a message that is both relevant and moving.

Modeling Drug Disposition in Ocular Tissues following Topical Eye Drops and Intravitreal Injection

Modeling Drug Disposition in Ocular Tissues following Topical Eye Drops and Intravitreal Injection

Conference: ARVO
Software: GastroPlus®
Division: PBPK

The purpose of this study was to model the ocular absorption, distribution and clearance of clonidine and voriconazole from topical and intravitreal applications, respectively. Clonidine is a potent…

Computer simulations using GastroPlus to justify a biowaiver for etoricoxib solid oral drug products

Computer simulations using GastroPlus to justify a biowaiver for etoricoxib solid oral drug products

Publication: Eur J Pharm Biopharm
Software: GastroPlus®

The purpose of this study was to compare the dissolution behaviour of etoricoxib in different dissolution media and to establish in vitro/in vivo correlation (IVIVC) using computer simulations.

Pandora Internet Radio

Pandora Internet Radio

I found that I was getting into a musical rut and had a hard time finding new music I liked. Then I stumbled on Pandora Internet Radio. On Pandora, you create your own “radio station” by naming a favorite song or artist. Pandora scans thousands of pieces of music that have been analyzed by something called the Music Genome Project to identify those with similar attributes to the one you named. Voilà! New music for you to enjoy.

Living Tongues

Living Tongues

Languages, even seldom-used languages, can tell us a great deal about how a group of people categorize the natural and mental world, says Jeff Good, a linguistics professor at the State University of New York at Buffalo (1). Languages are rich in the history and taxonomy of a place, reflecting subtleties that can be lost in translation, says Greg Anderson, an ethnographer who directs Oregon’s Living Tongues Institute (2). When the last keepers of a language die off, so does the fluent understanding of that particular environment.

Non-competitive androgen receptor inhibition in vitro and in vivo

Non-competitive androgen receptor inhibition in vitro and in vivo

Publication: Proc Natl Acad Sci USA
Division: PBPK

Androgen receptor (AR) inhibitors are used to treat multiple human diseases, including hirsutism, benign prostatic hypertrophy, and prostate cancer, but all available...



Publication: J Clin Pharmacol

To become disheveled. A kerfuffle is the polite term for a cascading series of errors that can be initiated by a seemingly innocuous event that then leads to other...