Discovery of New Scaffolds from Approved Drugs as Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors

Discovery of New Scaffolds from Approved Drugs as Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors

Authors: Chen Y, Xu X, Fu T, Li W, Liu Z, Sun H
Publication: RSC Adv
Software: ADMET Predictor®

Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (AChEIs) are considered to be one of the most successful therapeutic strategies in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease (AD).

Clinical and Translational Assessment of VEGFR1 as a Mediator of the Premetastatic Niche in High-Risk Localized Prostate Cancer

Clinical and Translational Assessment of VEGFR1 as a Mediator of the Premetastatic Niche in High-Risk Localized Prostate Cancer

Publication: Mol Cancer Ther

Preclinical studies have suggested that VEGFR1-positive cells potentially foster the development of metastases by establishing a "premetastatic niche."

Physicochemical and Pharmacokinetic Characterization of Amorphous Solid Dispersion of Meloxicam with Enhanced Dissolution Property and Storage Stability

Physicochemical and Pharmacokinetic Characterization of Amorphous Solid Dispersion of Meloxicam with Enhanced Dissolution Property and Storage Stability

Publication: AAPS PharmSciTech
Software: GastroPlus®

The aim of the present study was to develop amorphous solid dispersion (ASD) of meloxicam (MEL) for providing rapid onset of action.

Quantitative Approach to Predicting Human Pharmacokinetics of Monoclonal Antibody (DSP-mAbX) from Preclinical Data

Quantitative Approach to Predicting Human Pharmacokinetics of Monoclonal Antibody (DSP-mAbX) from Preclinical Data

Conference: ACoP

DSP-mAbX is a full human monoclonal antibody targeted to a cell surface antigen. The cross-reactivity of DSP-mAbX to the target antigen in human and monkey has already been confirmed. Here, a quantitative...

Systemization of Logistic Regression Analysis for Pharmacometric Applications

Systemization of Logistic Regression Analysis for Pharmacometric Applications

Conference: ACoP

Efficacy and safety data are oftentimes collected as binary (yes/no) data in clinical trials during drug development. The implementation and growing use of CDISC standards in data collection and...

Mechanistic Modeling With Dilisym® Predicts Dose-Dependent Clinical Hepatotoxicity Of Amg 009 That Involves Bile Acid Transporter Inhibition

Mechanistic Modeling With Dilisym® Predicts Dose-Dependent Clinical Hepatotoxicity Of Amg 009 That Involves Bile Acid Transporter Inhibition

Conference: ACoP
Software: DILIsym®

To predict the clinical hepatotoxicity of AMG 009 and species differences in AMG 009-mediated hepatotoxicity using DILIsym®, a mechanistic model of drug-induced liver injury

Conceptual Schemas

Conceptual Schemas

The central focus of MBR&D is not the mathematical equations but rather the conceptual synthesis process that integrates all available information and rational extrapolations to better understand drug pharmacology in the context of the disease process.

Visualize in KIWI 1.5 – Available Now!

Visualize in KIWI 1.5 – Available Now!

Speed and agility is more important than ever as the demand for M&S increases. KIWI 1.5 allows you to easily select and compare parameters estimates and diagnostic plots across multiple candidate models in one view to make decisions quickly and confidently, and delivers high quality graphs to inform team decision making and put in regulatory documents- all formatted, all validated!

Development of Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic / Pharmacodynamic Model for Indomethacin Disposition in Pregnancy

Development of Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic / Pharmacodynamic Model for Indomethacin Disposition in Pregnancy

Publication: PLoS One

Findings of a recent clinical study showed indomethacin has lower plasma levels and higher steady-state apparent clearance in pregnant subjects when compared to those in non-pregnant subjects reported in separate studies.

Liver-selective distribution in rats supports the importance of active uptake into the liver via organic anion transporting polypeptides (OATPs) in humans

Liver-selective distribution in rats supports the importance of active uptake into the liver via organic anion transporting polypeptides (OATPs) in humans

Publication: Drug Metab Pharmacokinet
Software: ADMET Predictor®

Organic anion transporting polypeptide (OATP) 1B1 and 1B3 are key molecules that are involved in hepatic uptake related to drug elimination, and OATP-mediated drug interactions are of clinical concern.

PEGylated y-tocotrienol isomer of vitamin E: Synthesis, characterization, in vitro cytotoxicity, and oral bioavailability

PEGylated y-tocotrienol isomer of vitamin E: Synthesis, characterization, in vitro cytotoxicity, and oral bioavailability

Publication: Eur J Pharm Biopharm
Software: GastroPlus®

Vitamin E refers to a family of eight isomers divided into two subgroups, tocopherols and the therapeutically active tocotrienols (T3).

Modeling and Simulation to Support Clinical Development of Eslicarbazepine Acetate in Partial-Onset Epilepsy

Modeling and Simulation to Support Clinical Development of Eslicarbazepine Acetate in Partial-Onset Epilepsy

Conference: ACCP

Eslicarbazepine acetate (ESL) is a once-daily (QD) oral antiepileptic drug (AED) approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of partial-onset seizures (POS) as monotherapy or…

Preclinical pharmacokinetic studies of 3-deazaneplanocin A, a potent epigenetic anticancer agent, and its human pharmacokinetic prediction using GastroPlus™

Preclinical pharmacokinetic studies of 3-deazaneplanocin A, a potent epigenetic anticancer agent, and its human pharmacokinetic prediction using GastroPlus™

Publication: Eur J Pharm Sci
Software: GastroPlus®

DZNep is a potential epigenetic drug, and exerts potent anti-proliferative and pro-apoptotic effects on broad-spectrum carcinomas via disruption of the EZH2 pathway.