It is well acknowledged that the oral absorption of a drug can be influenced by its solubility, which is usually associated with its solid form properties. G1032 is a retinoic acid–related orphan receptor inverse agonist.

Discovery, synthesis and molecular corroborations of medicinally important novel pyrazoles; drug efficacy determinations through in silico, in vitro and cytotoxicity validations
As the global need for drugs getting increases, the necessity of novel and effective drugs are the need of the day.

Analyzing the Mechanisms Behind Macrolide Antibiotic-Induced Liver Injury Using Quantitative Systems Toxicology Modeling
The macrolide class of antibiotics are frequently prescribed antibiotics for otherwise drug-resistant bacterial infections. Several macrolide antibiotics are currently available for clinical use. Erythromycin is the first generation macrolide; it was isolated from the bacteria Saccharopolyspora erythraea in the 1950s.

Revisiting fish toxicity of active pharmaceutical ingredients: Mechanistic insights from integrated ligand-/structure-based assessments on acetylcholinesterase
The release of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) into the environment is of great concern for aquatic ecosystem as many of these chemicals are designed to exert biological activity.

Development, validation and integration of in silico models to identify androgen active chemicals
Humans are exposed to large numbers of environmental chemicals, some of which potentially interfere with the endocrine system.

MAO-B selective inhibitor compounds, pharmaceutical compositions thereof and uses thereof
Epithelia form barriers that are essential to life.

Mechanistic Investigation of the Androgen Receptor DNA-Binding Domain Inhibitor Pyrvinium
Pyrvinium was identified as the first small molecule inhibitor of the androgen receptor (AR) DNA-binding domain (DBD). It was also among the first small molecules shown to...

Model-Informed Drug Discovery and Development: Current Industry Good Practice and Regulatory Expectations and Future Perspectives
Good practices around model-informed drug discovery and development (MID3) aim to improve the implementation, standardization, and

Metabolization of pharmaceuticals by plants after uptake from water and soil: A review
Residues of pharmaceuticals are ubiquitous in the environment, due to the increased use of drugs for treating humans and animals.

Machine Learning Models for the Prediction of Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy
Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) is a common adverse side effect of cancer chemotherapy that can be life debilitating and cause extreme pain.

DILIsym 8A New Features for Predicting & Understand Drug-Induced Liver Injury
So how can DILIsym help my organization? Predict DILI liabilities beforehand and save $$$, Choose the lead candidate most likely to succeed from a DILI standpoint, Communicate with regulators on safety issues with information they have requested from others numerous times and from a platform they license (FDA) & keep patients safer.

The in vivo predictive dissolution for immediate release dosage of donepezil and danazol, BCS class IIc drugs, with the GIS and the USP II with biphasic dissolution apparatus
The formulation developments and the in vivo assessment of Biopharmaceutical Classification System (BCS) class II drugs are challenging due to their low solubility and high permeability in the human gastrointestinal (GI) tract.

Challenges in working towards an internal threshold of toxicological concern (iTTC) for use in the safety assessment of cosmetics: Discussions from the Cosmetics Europe iTTC Working Group workshop
The Threshold of Toxicological Concern (TTC) is an important risk assessment tool which establishes acceptable low-level exposure values to be applied to chemicals with limited toxicological data.

Dissolution Testing in Drug Product Development: Workshop Summary Report
This publication summarizes the proceedings and key outcomes of the first day (“Day 1”) of the 3-day workshop on “Dissolution and Translational Modeling Strategies Enabling Patient-Centric Product Development.”

Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic/ Pharmacodynamic Model for Caffeine Disposition in Pregnancy
Caffeine is the most consumed active stimulant. About 80% of pregnant women consume caffeine orally on daily basis. Many reports indicated consumption of >200 mg caffeine during pregnancy could increase the likelihood of miscarriage.

DILIsym® v8A Release Webinar
DILIsym is a mechanistic, predictive software tool focused on predicting and understand drug-induced liver injury across species. DILIsym version 8A is packed with exciting new features.

EDEn–Electroceutical Design Environment: Ion Channel Tissue Expression Database with Small Molecule Modulators
The emerging field of bioelectricity has revealed numerous new roles for ion channels beyond the nervous system, which can be exploited for applications in regenerative medicine.

PBPK Absorption Modeling: Establishing the In Vitro–In Vivo Link—Industry Perspective
The establishment of an in vitro–in vivo correlation (IVIVC) is considered the gold standard to establish in vivo relevance of a dissolution method and to utilize dissolution data in the context of regulatory bioequivalence questions...

DILIsym Awarded $1.5 Million Phase II NIH Grant
Phase II Award of NIH Fast Track SBIR Grant for Drug-induced Kidney Injury Software, RENAsym™, Funds Development Over Next 20 Months

Molecular Determinants of Cell Permeability Beyond the Rule of 5
Molecules that violate conventional guidelines for druglikeness—such as the Rule-of-5—are of increasing interest as chemical probes and drugs for intractable pharmacological targets.