Current State and New Horizons in Applications of Physiologically Based Biopharmaceutics Modeling (PBBM): A Workshop Report

Publication: Mol Pharm
Software: GastroPlus®
Division: PBPK


This report summarizes the proceedings for Day 3 of the workshop titled “Physiologically Based Biopharmaceutics Modeling (PBBM) Best Practices for Drug Product Quality: Regulatory and Industry Perspectives”. This day focused on the current and future drug product quality applications of PBBM from the innovator and generic industries as well as the regulatory agencies perspectives. The presentations, which included several case studies, covered the applications of PBBM in generic drug product development, applications of virtual bioequivalence trials to support formulation bridging and the utility of absorption modeling in clinical pharmacology assessments. In addition, recent progress in the prediction of colon absorption and in vivo performance of extended-release drug products was shared. The morning session was concluded by representatives from FDA, ANVISA, MHRA, Health Canada, EMA, and PMDA giving their perspectives on the application of PBBM in regulatory submissions. The afternoon breakout sessions focused on four parallel topics: 1) PBBM in generic drug product development; 2) virtual bioequivalence trials applications; 3) safe space and extrapolation; and 4) regional absorption and modified release PBBM applications. This allowed the participants to engage in in-depth discussions of best practices as well to identify key points of consideration to allow further progress on the applications of PBBM.

By Christer Tannergren, Sumit Arora, Andrew Babiskin, Luiza Borges, Parnali Chatterjee, Yi-Hsien Cheng, André Dallmann, Anitha Govada, Tycho Heimbach, Martin Hingle, Sivacharan Kollipara, Evangelos Kotzagiorgis, Anders Lindahl, Claire Mackie, Maria Malamatari, Amitava Mitra, Rebecca Moody, Xavier Pepin, James Polli, Kimberly Raines, Gregory Rullo, Maitri Sanghavi, Rajesh Savkur, Rajendra Singh, Erik Sjögren, Sandra Suarez-Sharp, Sherin Thomas, Shereeni Veerasingham, Kevin Wei, Fang Wu, Yunming Xu, Miyoung Yoon, Bhagwant Rege