This video is dedicated to support files and how to load your data in GastroPlus.
GastroPlus® Tutorial: Phase 1: Video 2: How to start a PBBM PBPK project in GastroPlus
In this video we'll show you how to start a project with GastroPlus.
How To Improve Your Compound Design & Screening Using ADMET Property Prediction and PK Simulations Day 2
Simulations Plus, in partnerships with pharmaceutical companies globally, has made significant investments in its ADMET Predictor® platform to implement...
GastroPlus® Tutorial: Phase 1: Prediction of plasma concentration
The goal is to predict the plasma concentration time following intravenous administration using a compartmental model.
How To Improve Your Compound Design & Screening Using ADMET Property Prediction and PK Simulations Day 1
Simulations Plus, in partnerships with pharmaceutical companies globally, has made significant investments in its ADMET Predictor® platform to implement...
High-quality, User-friendly PK Data Analysis with PKPlus™
As more compounds are screened in animal studies, simplified PK/TK data analyses and modeling & simulation routines.
Modeling in vitro Permeability with MembranePlus™
The chase is on to improve IVIVE approaches for compounds which are subject to complex absorption and clearance processes.
Using DDDPlus™ to Predict in vivo API Exposure Levels
There has been an increasing desire to incorporate mechanistic models of in vitro experiments to evaluate the interplay between...
Feature of the week #94: Individual parameters
Monolix estimates the population parameters, which characterize the population. But often we also need the parameter values for each individual present in the dataset.
Feature of the week #93: Initial integration time
When a model is defined as a system of differential equations, the initial integration time corresponding to the initial conditions of the system is not necessarily 0.
The GastroPlus® Additional Dosage Routes Seminar Series Discussion Panel
Ask Us Anything panel discussion
The GastroPlus® Additional Dosage Routes Seminar Series Ocular with Maxime Le Merdy
The Ocular Compartmental Absorption & Transit (OCAT™) model represents the eye as a collection of the following compartments...
The GastroPlus® Additional Dosage Routes Seminar Series IM with Viera Lukacova
The intramuscular (IM) drug delivery model represents the site of injection as a single compartment. Within this compartment...
The GastroPlus® Additional Dosage Routes Seminar Series Transdermal with Jessica Spires
The Transdermal Compartmental Absorption & Transit (TCAT™) model represents the skin as a collection...
The GastroPlus® Additional Dosage Routes Seminar Series Pulmonary with John DiBella and Jim Mullin
The Pulmonary Compartmental Absorption & Transit (PCAT™) model represents the lung/nose as a collection of the following...
Feature of the week #90: Calculating the NADIR or the Cmax in the structural model
The maximum or minimum of any ODE variable can be calculated directly in the structural model.
Feature of the week #89: Missing data
Missing data occurs in almost all research and handling it is one of the most difficult tasks when preparing data.
Case study: Implementing a proportional hazard model and calculating hazard ratios
Proportional hazard models are a popular class of models for time-to-event data.
Case study: Inter-occasion variability and effect of guar gum on alcohol concentration in blood
In this case study, the MonolixSuite is used to analyze and model the PK of alcohol, measured in two different occasions where subjects...
Feature of the week #86: Estimating the conditional distributions
The task Conditional distribution in Monolix estimates the individual conditional distributions, which represent the individual...