This video explains how to use the depot() macro to apply the doses defined in the data set to ODE variables in a model.
Feature of the week #74: Files necessary to share a Monolix run or submit to the regulatory agencies
This video explains the files that need to be included in the regulatory submission or when sharing a run with somebody else.
Feature of the week #73: Typical patterns in the Ovs versus Pred plot
The Obs versus Pred plot is a central tool to diagnose the structural model. This video shows typical deviation patterns and how to interpret them.
Feature of the week #72: Display and informativeness of the BLQ data in the plots
To display BLQ data in the plot, Monolix uses simulated BLQ values.
Feature of the week #71: Scripting PKanalix in R
The MonolixSuite comes with an API for R that allows to use Monolix and PKanalix from R, such that all you can do with the interface...
Feature of the week #70: Scaling of continuous covariates
Covariates are used to explain intra-individual variability of population parameters.
Feature of the week #69: Sycomore
We know that development of a good model is a long process of incremental improvements.
GastroPlus® User Group Webinar: Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Modelling for First‑In‑Human Predictions
This webinar provides an overview of a recent publication on physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling in first in human (FIH) predictions, and this was a collaborative effort from GastroPlus® User Group members.
Feature of the week #68: Scripting Monolix in R
Sometimes you might want to use Monolix through the interface but with scripts, for example to automate a set of actions in Monolix.
Case study: PK/PD modeling using the simultaneous, sequential or intermediate approach (Maryland 3)
The aim of this tutorial is to show how to develop a pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic (PKPD) model.
Case study: PK model development for a multi-dose study (Maryland 2)
The aim of this tutorial is to develop a population PK model for a multiple dosing trial study of a hypothetical test drug used in the...
Case study: PK model development and covariate exploration (Maryland 1)
The aim of this tutorial is to develop a population PK model and explore covariate relationships of a hypothetical test drug used in the treatment of atrial fibrillation.
Using ADMET Predictor® v9.5 to support medicinal chemistry programs User scenarios and examples
Simulations Plus hosts a webinar to introduce how ADMET Predictor® can be used efficiently to support medicinal chemistry programs in drug discovery.
Feature of the week #67: Graphical results of NCA in PKanalix
PKanalix can be used for efficient non-compartmental and compartmental analysis.
Feature of the week #66: Interpreting the PD versus PK plot – the example of hysteresis
When several types of observations are recorded in the data set, Datxplore allows to plot one type versus another one.
Feature of the week #65: Time-to-event modeling with Monolix
Monolix uses a parametric approach to model time-to-event data, via the definition of a hazard function.
Feature of the week #64: Inter-occasion variability in Monolix
Mixed effects models can take into account several levels of variability.
Grill the GastroPlus® Gurus Webinar
This webinar with a panel of experienced GastroPlus users aims at providing users, both new and more experienced, with tips and tricks to improve their use of GastroPlus.
PKPlus™ 2.5 Release Webinar
Learn about the latest developments in PKPlus™
GastroPlus® User Group Webinar: Applications/Experiences of PBPK Modeling to Support Regulatory Interactions
Recent experiences with PBPK model-based regulatory submissions used to obtain product development and DDI waivers will be discussed.