Infusion-related adverse events (IRAEs) such as nausea, vomiting, fever, chills, and thrombophlebitis that are associated with amphotericin B therapy often lead clinicians to prescribe a number of adjunctive pretreatment medications...

Adverse drug reaction reporting in a multicenter surveillance study
To evaluate the performance of a multicenter, prospective surveillance program in identifying adverse events, and to seek explanations for misclassification bias.

Sepsis syndrome and associated sequelae in patients at high risk for gram negative sepsis
We conducted a prospective surveillance study of 80 hospitals across the United States to determine the incidence of sepsis syndrome and its associated sequelae in hospitalized patients over age 18 years who...

Analysis of potential risk factors associated with the development of pancreatitis in phase I patients with AIDS or AIDS related complex receiving didanosine
Phase I dose-escalating trials of didanosine revealed dose-limiting toxicities, including pancreatitis, and established a total daily dose of 12.5 mg/kg/day as the maximum tolerated dose.

Risk factors for acute renal insufficiency in patients with suspected or documented bacterial pneumonia
To describe the incidence of acute renal insufficiency and identify potential risk factors associated with this adverse medical event.

Use of antifungal therapy in hospitalized patients. II. Results after the marketing of fluconazole
To evaluate the prescribing patterns of antifungal agents in the hospital setting after the introduction of fluconazole, a new broad-spectrum bis-triazole antifungal agent.

Effects on recovery when isoflurane is used to supplement propofol-nitrous oxide anesthesia
During propofol-nitrous oxide (N2O) anesthesia, volatile anesthetics are frequently administered to treat signs of inadequate anesthesia and to decrease the possibility of intraoperative awareness.

The role of pharmacoepidemiology research in postmarketing surveillance and anesthesia practice critical care medicine
Despite tremendous efforts to ensure the safety and effectiveness of newly marketed medications, a number of these have had significant problems after introduction of the drug to the market.

The initial clinical experience of 1819 physicians in maintaining anesthesia with propofol characteristics associated with prolonged time to awakening
In October 1989, propofol underwent Phase IV Food and Drug Administration testing that involved 25,981 patients, 1722 institutions, and 1819 anesthesiologists. Participants were 18-80 yr of age and ASA physical status I-III...

Hemodynamic effects of propofol: data from over 25,000 patients
To investigate clinically important hypotension and bradycardia after induction of anesthesia with propofol, we analyzed data from a Phase IV stepwise study involving 25,981 patients, 1722 institutions, and 1819 anesthesiologists. In Step 1, propofol was used for...

The clinical evaluation of new drugs for sepsis A prospective study design based on survival analysis
To develop a survival model and severity assessment method to estimate the 28-day mortality risk for patients with sepsis syndrome entering phase 2 and 3 drug evaluations.

Adverse events in a multicenter phase IV study of propofol: evaluation by anesthesiologists and postanesthesia care unit nurses
Phase II and III studies are tightly controlled trials investigating adverse effects before government approval of a new drug.

Phase IV study of propofol: validation of the data set
In 1989-1990, Stuart Pharmaceuticals conducted a Phase IV study of propofol on over 26,000 patients, later making the large data base available to a team of epidemiologists and anesthesiologists for analysis.

How do anesthesiologists select patients when introducing a new drug into practice
As part of the marketing strategy for the anesthetic drug propofol (Diprivan), Stuart Pharmaceuticals began a Phase IV postmarketing study soon after the drug received Food and Drug Administration approval in 1989.

Predictive performance of population pharmacokinetic parameters of tianeptine as applied to plasma concentrations from a post marketing study
The predictive ability of population pharmacokinetic parameters of tianeptine, obtained from a mixed effect analysis of pre-marketing pharmacokinetic studies, was evaluated using tianeptine plasma...

Capability of hospital computer systems in performing drug use evaluations and adverse drug event monitoring
A survey to determine the extent of computerization in key areas of hospitals, the information being collected in the databases, and the capabilities of the computer systems for performing adverse drug event...

Evaluation of population pharmacokinetics in therapeutic trials. IV. Application to postmarketing surveillance
The feasibility of incorporating blood sampling for population pharmacokinetic analysis into postmarketing surveillance was evaluated.

Development of a population pharmacokinetic database for tianeptine
Two thousand three hundred and thirty five plasma concentrations of tianeptine from 112 patients enrolled in nine studies of tianeptine pharmacokinetics performed prior to the marketing of the drug were...

Population pharmacodynamics of doxacurium
The nonlinear mixed-effects modeling (NONMEM) computer program was used to investigate the variability in the duration of doxacurium-induced neuromuscular block in 408 patients enrolled in phase II and phase III clinical trials of doxacurium. Spontaneous...