One of the critical components of the respiratory drug delivery is the manner in which the inhaled aerosol is deposited in respiratory tract compartments.

Advances in experimental and mechanistic computational models to understand pulmonary exposure to inhaled drugs.
Prediction of local exposure following inhalation of a locally acting pulmonary drug is central to the successful development of novel inhaled medicines, as well as generic equivalents.

In silico modeling to optimize interpretation of liver safety biomarkers in clinical trials
Current strategies to delineate the risk of serious drug-induced liver injury associated with drugs rely on assessment of serum biomarkers that have been utilized for many decades.

A framework for 2-stage global sensitivity analysis of GastroPlus™ compartmental models
Parameter sensitivity and uncertainty analysis for physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) models are becoming an important consideration for regulatory submissions, requiring further...

Food effects in paediatric medicines development for products Co-administered with food
A small amount of food is commonly used to aid administration of medicines to children to improve palatability and/or swallowability.

Dermal pharmacokinetics of pyrazinamide determined by microdialysis sampling in rats
Studies have demonstrated pyrazinamide's efficacy against stages of the parasite which causes cutaneous leishmaniasis. Although pyrazinamide is widely distributed to most...

Phase I study of the investigational oral mTORC1/2 inhibitor sapanisertib (TAK-228): tolerability and food effects of a milled formulation in patients with advanced solid tumours
Sapanisertib (TAK-228) is an investigational, orally available, potent and highly selective mTORC1/2 inhibitor demonstrating promise in numerous malignancies.

Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling in Lead Optimization II: “Rational Bioavailability Design” by Global Sensitivity Analysis to Identify Properties Affecting Bioavailability.
When medicinal chemists need to improve oral bioavailability (%F) during lead optimization, they systematically modify compound properties mainly based on their own experience and general rules of thumb.

Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling in Lead Optimization I: Evaluation and Adaptation of GastroPlus to Predict Bioavailability of Medchem Series
When medicinal chemists need to improve bioavailability (%F) within a chemical series during lead optimization, they synthesize new series members with systematically modified properties...

Preparation and Evaluation of Progesterone Nanocrystals to Decrease Muscle Irritation and Improve Bioavailability.
Progesterone (PG) is a crucial immunomodulatory agent during early pregnancy, and nowadays PG oil-based injection (PG/OI) has a huge market all over the world.

Model-informed drug development for malaria therapeutics
Malaria is a critical public health problem resulting in substantial morbidity and mortality, particularly in developing countries. Owing to the development of resistance toward current therapies, novel approaches to accelerate...

Developing a mechanistic absorption model to predict the pharmacokinetics of immediate-release weak base drugs with a long Tmax by incorporating lysosomal trapping.
The objectives of this study were 1) to develop and verify mechanistic absorption models to predict the pharmacokinetics (PK) of two immediate-release weak base drug (WBD) products (Drug X and Drug Y) with a...

In Vitro Dissolution Methodology And Estimated Consequences Of Biowaiver Extension For Immediate Release Solid Oral Dosage Forms With Metformin Hydrochloride
The in vitro dissolution methodologies are frequently used as quality control tools for the assessment of solid oral dosage forms.

Every Jack has His Jill: Finding a Target for Your Combinatorial Library
Pharmaceutical companies regularly run campaigns to evolve their proprietary chemical libraries which are among their most valuable assets.

Physiologically Based Oral Absorption Modelling to Study Gut-Level Drug Interactions
Physiologically based oral absorption models are in silico tools primarily used to guide formulation development and project the clinical performance of formulation variants.

The Combination of GIS and Biphasic to Better Predict In Vivo Dissolution of BCS Class IIb Drugs, Ketoconazole and Raloxifene
The formulation developments and the in vivo assessment of Biopharmaceutical Classification System (BCS) class II drugs are challenging due to their low solubility and high permeability in the...

Synaptophysin expression on circulating tumor cells in patients with castration resistant prostate cancer undergoing treatment with abiraterone acetate or enzalutamide
Background: With the advent of secondary androgen receptor (AR)-targeted therapies in metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer (PC), nonadenocarcinoma PCs are...

Identification of mechanisms of resistance to treatment with abiraterone acetate or enzalutamide in patients with castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC)
Background: Two androgen receptor (AR)-targeted therapies, enzalutamide and abiraterone acetate plus prednisone (abiraterone), have been approved for the treatment...

Refining Liver Safety Risk Assessment: Application of Mechanistic Modeling and Serum Biomarkers to Cimaglermin Alfa (GGF2) Clinical Trials
Cimaglermin alfa (GGF2) is a recombinant human protein growth factor in development for heart failure.

Software based approaches for drug designing and development: A systematic review on commonly used software and its applications.
Drug discovery include drug designing and development, is a multifarious and expensive endeavor, where least number of drugs that pass the clinical trials makes it to market.