24th EuroQSAR Symposium
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  • All Day
  • Barcelona, Spain
  • More Info + Register

Join us in Barcelona, Spain for the upcoming 24th European Symposium on Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship (EuroQSAR) Symposium. The scientific program will include plenary lectures, keynote lectures, oral communications, workshops, poster presentations, and a commercial exhibition. Be sure to catch Principal Scientist of Cheminformatics Solutions, Rafal A. Bachorz‘s presentation, “Multicriteria Decision Aiding in the Service of Drug Discovery.”

Can’t Miss Presentation!

Multicriteria Decision Aiding in the Service of Drug Discovery
Session: 7 – Synthetic Data
Presenter: Rafał Bachorz, Principal Scientist
Date: Tuesday, September 24th
Time: 3:25 pm CEST