Carlos Fernandez

Carlos Fernandez

Senior Director, PMx
Clinical Pharmacology & Pharmacometrics Solutions

Carlos Fernandez
Senior Director, Pharmacometrics
Clinical Pharmacology & Pharmacometrics Solutions

About Carlos
More than 15 years of experience in industry working with small and large molecules in oncology, and previously 4 years of experience in a CRO as a pharma consultant. Close support to pharmacology aspects for NDA submissions. Until 2024, Carlos worked at AstraZeneca as Director of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacometrics, where Ihe was responsible for capivasertib and camizestrant and also provided support to other early‑stage projects. His areas of expertise encompass the design, execution, and successful completion of over 20 clinical trials, as well as a comprehensive understanding of the entire drug development process, enabling him to address critical aspects. The global submission for capivasertib is currently underway in 2023 and has received favorable reception from various health regulatory agencies, including the FDA, EMA, PMDA, and others. Separately, before moving to the UK, Carlos was member of the scientific committee of Modelling and Simulation Conference in Biomedicine in Spain and invited speaker at the master program at the University of Valencia, and in the Master in Drug Research, Development and Innovation at the University of Pamplona.

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