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Join our team for some Arizona sunshine! ACoP 2024 will be held at the Arizona Grand Resort & Spa in Phoenix, Arizona, USA, from November 10-13, 2024. This year’s theme for ACoP 2024 will be: Past as Prologue, Bridge to New Horizons. Meet us in booth #27 where we will help you reach new horizons in Pharmacometrics.

ACoP15 2024 will feature a wide array of exciting scientific sessions, poster presentations, awards, Special Interest Groups (SIG) events, dedicated activities for students and trainees, tutorials, and vendor-sponsored workshops, as well as numerous networking opportunities.

This is your opportunity to connect face-to-face with our experts. Reach out and schedule time to speak with our team, to discuss your next project. On-site from our team will be Lisl Shoda, Ryan Suderman, Steve Chang, Peter Kilford, Nate Musser, Yawen Fan, and Saumitra Rahatekar

Can’t Miss Presentations:

Title: Thales: A unified framework for clinical-scale QSP modeling
Presenter: Ryan Suderman, Associate Director and Senior Principal Scientist, QSP
Date: Monday, November 11th
Time: 3:15-4:45 pm

A fundamental aspect of QSP modeling is the formal representation of mechanisms describing a core set of physiological processes to be perturbed by therapeutic intervention. From this core model, a virtual population is often created by sampling distinct parameter sets and then used to simulate clinical trials in the hope of ultimately informing clinical trial design. Currently within the field of QSP, numerous methods exist to build, simulate, optimize, and analyze virtual populations. By leveraging the past 20 years of QSP model building experience, Simulations Plus has developed Thales, a QSP modeling platform that instills standardized approaches both to the development of models and the fitting and validation of virtual populations with an emphasis on supporting clinical development. In this talk, we will highlight core features of Thales that improve efficiency of model development and simulation and introduce a new GUI that tames some of the complexity common to these models. Among these features are high-level, modular objects and universal methods reusable across disease indications, which enables development focused specifically on biological and clinical details and facilitates rapid exchange of knowledge between modelers, biologists, and clinicians. Our experience in both building and using Thales has demonstrated the benefits of standardization in the user interface as well as with the development process itself.

Roller Coaster Session II
Title: Hitting the Sweet Spot: Mechanism-Based Modeling to Evaluate the Interplay of Liver Compound Exposure and Liver Toxicity to Identify Safe Dosing Regimens
Presenter: Lisl Shoda, Associate Vice President and Director of Immunology, QSP
Date: Wednesday, November 13th
Time: 10:45 am – 12:15 pm