In Silico PBPK / PBBM Modeling and Simulation for Industry and Academia Workshop at the 2024 CSPS Annual Symposium
  • Past
  • 9:00 am – 5:00 pm MDT
  • Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Pre-Conference Workshop
In Silico PBPK / PBBM Modeling and Simulation for Industry and Academia


Date: Monday, June 10th from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Students & post doc: $100
Others: $200
Maximum 25 participants

This inaugural workshop in Canada, presented by Simulations Plus™ and CSPS, delves deeply into PBPK/PBBM modeling and simulation for drug development, catering to participants from both industry and academia. Attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of pharmacokinetic fundamentals, biopharmaceutics, in vitro-in vivo correlation, and virtual bioequivalence, applying these principles to Physiologically Based and Biopharmaceutics modeling. Through a combination of lectures, hands-on computer sessions, and supportive slides, participants will leverage software such as GastroPlus® and DDDPlus® for practical application.

Click Here to Register.
Click Here to View the Workshop Agenda.